Monday, June 9, 2008

Dasaavataaram by Kamala Hassan

Incarnations of Vishnu Narayana in ten forms describes the evolution of human beings. Purusha Sooktam says "Atyadhishta Dasaamgulam" - Means, TheViraatPurush is still 10 fingers beyond all our measurements.When the ancient intellectual giants of Bhaarat says something,there could me many more dimensions than what we can perceive. Wecan make many interpretations or dimensions for each and everyword of the scripts - everything will perfectly match but stillthere can be more perceptions. Why there are avataarams only for Lord Vishnu and not for Shivaor Brahma?I feel, this is because, Brahma is the Lord of birth and Shiva,the Lord for death - both are momentary process - Till the lastbreath is gone out, a living thing cant be called as dead. Ad itwill take only a moment to stop the breath. Same is the case forbreathWhere as life is a continuous process and in every moment of lifeitself, there are births and deaths - in every moment, theprevious moment is dead the present one is born. This continuumof moments constitute the life and this continuum makes acontinuous cange in everything also : the physical body, themind, the thoughts. So, to successfully pass through this continuum, one has to takedifferent actions according to the moment.Matsya is the first avataram after pralayam. The speciality offish is that, it is always active and never takes rest. So, if apralaya - or a total destruction or a tragedy comes into ourlife, instead of keeping depressed, we must start new and kepourselves highly active like a fish.Next is Koorma. this word has many meanings such as subtle orconcentration or power of focusing etc. Once we become active, the next quality we have to achieve is thepower of focusing or determinin gour aim and work hard for theaim. Like a tortoise keeps aways itself from all outwardnuisances, we should be able to withdraw ourself from outwardnuisance and be able to focus on our aim.Next is varaham. The varaham is a strong animal and if somebodymakes it irritated, it will become violent and react back to keepthem away from its world of activity. Like that, if our tortoisenature is not enough to keep away others from desturbing us, weshould act like a vvaraham to protect ourselves. There is nothingwrong if we stop others from interfering into our life. Our lifeis important tan the comments of others about us.Next is Narasimham - The one & only one Spontaneous Avathaaram -There were lot of experiemnts in the life of Prahlada butfinally, within a fraction of time, the Lord appeared to protecthim. Like the Narasimham, we should observe the situationsclearly, constantly and patiently. When the time comes, we shouldrespond to the situations spontaneously - especially if we areinto business or in a position of a decision maker or something. Next is Vamana: Small but precise and assertive. Always calm andpleasant.There are interpretations about vamana's action that he destroyeda nice king like mahabali and the most ideal Kingdom. Observeclosely: Vamana done so not for his personal benefits but toprotect the Devas and Indra. Indra is none but our own Indriyaas.Mahabali was ofcourse the best king for his people. However,Indra thought that through the good things , he may conquerIndra. Means, Even if we are doing all the good things, it shouldbe with the full awareness of all our Indriyaas and the mind. Ifwe do charity, it should not be for the publicity or for the sakeof charity or just because we believe that charity is good. !00%of our body an dmind should be involved in our actions. If it isnot happening, just stop it without any regression- as Vamanapushed Mahabali to Paathala, stop all the activities which arenot fully accepted by yor mind and body.Next is Parasuraama: A man of pround prejudice - we have to meetsimilar people through out in our life. Understand that like us,they are also an avathaar of the same God. Accept them as it is.Never try to conquer them or argue with them in the usual mannerNext is Sreerama: The only way to conquer Parasurama is patience.With these qualities, we can conquer even ravana - themutldimensional intellectual giant with a strong base of supersoldiers and all. Next is Balarama: The very basic quality is his muscle power andhence the name. It is written in the bhagavatha that, when gargamaharshi taken him for naamakaranam, Rama punched his chest withhis leg and proved his strength then itself and hence Maharshinamed him as Balarama. We have to take care of our body also. Butbalarama proves that, he alone can not do anything. He was just asuppoter for Krishna.Next is Sree Krishna: The dynamic avathaar of love andcompassion. He shows us how to be active without having a feelingof ownership of anything. We also should do our duties toourselves, to the family, to the society and to the world butnever keep the ego. Ego is defined as Edging God Out.Krishna was also named by Garga Maharshi and he pulled Maharshi'sbeard when Maharshi kept him on his lap for the naamakarana. SoMaharshi decided, since the child is pulling everything ( orattracts everything) to him let him be Krishna. Krishna means,that which attracts.Through out his life, Krishna never used any word that makes aninferiority feeling on the others. Even to the depressed Arjunaat the battlefield, he called "Oh the great soldier, the son of agreat king ...... never he called oh idiot or something likethat. The final is Kalki: For anything born or created, there should bean end or death. And there should be a reaoson or cause for theend or death. Even after going through all the previous states,if we are not able to throw away our possessions, then thedisturbances will automatically start because, end is inevitable.We can see the end of many nations, cultures, business,industries, lives .... Without any known reasons, a disturbancestarts and finally it will end on the cease of the industry orthe business or the nation......However, if we can get rid off from our possessions andobcessions, or, if we can acquire the real wisdom, then thesecalamities will not affect us.. Even if the hard earned things oflife are totally ceased, we will not feel any distraction to ourmind because, our mind is seasoned and knows that it isinevitable and it is the time for the end. This state is theabsolute state of Moksha. Kalki is supposed to save the goodpeople from the evil: Means, Those who achieve this state of mindwill not become agitated for anything happening in their life andthey will be able to restart anything even after a totaldestruction. In this way kalki will save them.

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